Britt Bows Best


Things I, a Clinically Depressed Individual, Do Not Want to Hear

Britt IasconeComment

Its not a secret (although maybe you don’t know) that I suffer from depression. I try to be as open about it as possible because the more people talk about it, the less stigma it should have. I’ll gladly answer questions to help people better understand the struggle. Everyone is different, but there are a lot of things that we have in common. I understand curiosity, but there are some things I hope I just can’t accept

Things I, a Clinically Depressed Individual, Do Not Want to Hear
(In no particular order)

You don’t look depressed

Thank you? I’m not sure exactly what my inner struggle is supposed to look like on the outside. Please know that everything you see on TV is not accurate. Yes, SOME people with depression look terrible. I, like a lot of people, have gotten really good at hiding it. I have struggled with depression since I was 11 which means I have been dealing with this for more than half of my life. In order to make it this far I had to learn to play pretend. I have to be able to maintain a job and that would be hard to do if I let the negativity show on my face all of the time. I’ve spent year perfecting my “everything is okay” face. Think of it in terms of being an actor. If an actor played a role for almost 15 years then they better be pretty damn good at it

Did your parents do something wrong?

No. This is an issue with my brain and not with how I was brought up. My psychiatrist said I could have had the perfect life and I still would have been depressed. I didn’t start admitting that I was depressed to other people until a few years ago so its not like they could have known. As far as they knew I was just another miserable teenager. I didn’t start being open about the illness until a few years ago. I’m pretty sure there are still family members who don’t know. Surprise!

Why are you sad?

I don’t know. There are times when something specific will set me off and there are times when it just happens. 

Just be positive

This one frustrates me a lot. Don’t you think I want to have positive thoughts? I can try to think of happy things as much as I want and it won’t change anything. I describe my depression as a sort of cloud or fog. I wander through not able to see where I’m going and trying not to get hurt. My brain didn’t come with fog lights.

Get over it

Yeah, okay. I’ll just do that since its so easy. I haven’t tried that before. You’re so smart!
Other people have it much worse
This statement makes me feel awful. I am aware that I am a fortunate person. I have a job, I can pay my bills, I have friends, I have a place to live, and I have food to eat. I get that. I feel guilty enough about everything. I don’t need any more guilt or negativity added to my plate. Telling me other people are worse off than I am which means I should be happy makes me feel selfish and stupid. 

Be happy! I don’t like it when you’re sad

That is wonderful for you! Again, if I would turn it off if I could. I learned a long time ago that people don’t like me when I’m sad. Hence why I learned to play pretend. I try to spare my friends from hanging out with Debbie Downer. Sometimes I have to cancel plans at the last minute because I can’t handle the production.  In the beginning I would make up excuses that sounded legitimate. It was exhausting trying to remember all the little excuses so now I tell people that I can’t do it. I understand that it is a natural instinct to ask why, but “I just cant” is your cue to stop asking. Badgering me isn’t helpful

So does that mean you’re going to kill yourself?

No, I am not going to do that. I’m not going to lie to you and tell you I don’t think about it because I think about it every day. I think about how worthless I feel all of the time and I think about how to get it to stop. Then I think about all of the people who would still be alive if they had the choice. I don’t want to be selfish and take my life when I know people who have had theirs stolen. I’ve tried it before and instantly regretted it. I’m not going to go into the story here. If you want to know then you can ask, its not a secret. I am going to keep fighting for now and the foreseeable future. There is too much I have to teach E-Slice about being cute. I can’t be favorite aunt Brittany if I’m not around anymore.

I don’t believe you

I get this reaction more than you would think. I don’t care if you believe me. I wouldn’t make something like this up. Do you know how much better my life would be if I was lying about this? I would have so much energy! I wouldn’t get so exhausted by my job that requires me to be pleasant for eight hours a day. I would be able to find joy in so many more things. I would be able to sleep for more than two hours at a time. I would be able to make decisions. I wouldn’t cry for no reason. It would be awesome if it actually worked like that. Just for the record…it doesn’t


I do want to hear that you’re willing to listen. I need to hear that you won’t hold this against me. It would be nice to hear that you care. I don’t think that’s asking for too much