Britt Bows Best



Hey there, I’m Britt. Most days you can find me behind my craft table or binging Netflix. Making things is my happy place. I am mostly known for my hair bows and love of all things rainbow. People often refer to me as bright. Whether they’re referring to my penchant for patterns or my intellect, I’ll let you be the judge.

I love serving the world by creating. It brings my heart joy to share in a craft or project with another person who might be doubting their abilities. There are no mistakes in art, just unexpected new directions. The things I am most passionate about in life are my family, my friends, bows, glitter, and the art of drag.

I create products for people who enjoy a sense of whimsy. It could mean wearing matching accessories with your partner, child, or pet. Or it could mean rocking a bow with matching lipstick and shoes.

When I’m not busying working on crafts, you can catch me at a drag show or reciting Bluey from memory. I’ll try any craft once and then purchase a whole bunch of supplies to try it again. I especially enjoy crafts that give me funky things to wear to these drag shows. After all, I like to shine too.

If you’re dying to hear more, here are five things you might not know about me.

1. I’m a huge planner and not the type you might think. I like to plan for every possible bad thing that can happen, so I’m prepared. My friends laughed at me until I saved them from a drug store trip with my handy dandy portable medicine cabinet

2. I enjoy doing things by myself. I can go out to dinner by myself and not feel one smidge of awkwardness. I think I’m pretty good company

3. I love to read, and I do it insanely fast. I stopped buying physical books because by the time I get it home, I’m almost halfway done. I have a nifty e-book subscription that allows me to read as many books as I want for a monthly fee

4. As much fun as I have going out and meeting strangers I will never have to see again, I’m an introvert. I recharge by staying at home and just hanging out. I really need that time after a large social interaction.

5. I despise bugs. If I could walk around in a constant mosquito net, I would. If you ever see me just take off running, its likely I either heard something buzz or thought I saw something move. Even large quantities of butterflies make me cringe.

Still here? Let’s connect! Feel free to fill out the contact page on my website or email me at

You’re born naked and the rest is drag
— RuPaul